Hate crossing Hudson Street?
So do we! Join your friends and neighbors of the Tribeca North Neighborhood Association as we fight for safer streets, less gridlock, cleaner air, more trees, and a better Tribeca North.
Sign up for our newsletter now to support the cause!

Our Mission
The Tribeca North Neighborhood Association works hard to get city/local government—the Mayor’s Office, City Council, MCB1, NYPD, NYC DOT, NYC DPR, PANYNJ, and everyone else—to promote progress on quality of life issues impacting the families and residents of north Tribeca.
Pedestrian Safety
Traffic from the Holland Tunnel creates dangerous conditions everyday on our local streets and effectively bifurcate the neighborhood across Hudson Street.
More Trees
A lot more! Trees play critical roles in capturing carbon dioxide emissions, reducing urban heat, and beautifying our streets.
Less Pollution
Due to Holland Tunnel traffic, north Tribeca has among the highest air concentration of fine particulate matter in Manhattan and inordinent noise pollution from honking drivers.
No River Wall
The plan for a 10′ tall concrete wall along our beautiful waterfront is civil engineering malpractice that would destroy our cherished connection to the Hudson River. Ecologically sound solutions to sea level rise must be identified and pursued.
A New Hudson
Hudson Street north of Canal is a prime example of how streetscape changes can revolutionize a neighborhood. Hudson Street south of Canal deserves the same treatment to effectively connect Tribeca and Hudson Square.
Restore The Rotary
Once the glorious St. John’s park—now 5.5 acres of gravel—the Holland Tunnel rotary is an enormous opportunity to achieve sustainability and greenification goals on public land.

Our Story
The Tribeca North Neighborhood Association is a grassroots organization of people who live in north Tribeca and share the same concerns about quality of life issues impacting our nook of New York.
Tribeca North started informally in 2021, when a handful of neighbors on Laight Street banded together in an attempt to add new trees around the Holland Tunnel rotary. A seemingly simple task, planting a few trees evolved into a daunting challenge requiring coordination across multiple government agencies that took well over a year.
While we eventually succeeded in planting nine trees, the volunteer oversight needed to effectuate that work and the lack of an existing block association in this area spurred the formal creation of Tribeca North Neighborhood Association in 2023.
Since then, Tribeca North has assumed a broader mission spanning various quality of life concerns and boasts membership of over 400 friends and neighbors. Our area of focus runs from Canal Street to N. Moore Street and Varick Street to the Hudson River.
More About the Issues
Hudson Street is dangerous.
Watch this short video for a glimpse of the perils facing pedestrians on Hudson Street and surrounding streets due to daily Holland Tunnel gridlock.
Tribeca North has been actively pushing for a variety of traffic calming and pedestrian safety measures such as additional traffic guards, blocking the box enforcement, red light cameras, and enhanced road markings/signage.
A long-term goal is a complete redesign of Hudson Street in alignment with what the Hudson Square BID has accomplished on Hudson Street north of Canal Street.

The rotary is an opportunity.
Tribeca North has been working closely with Rotary Park, a team of local architects with a variety of plans and ideas for repurposing unused space inside the Holland Tunnel rotary.
Rotary Park’s concepts range from the simple, like increasing foliage in the existing area to help reduce runoff, to the extraordinary, like constructing a completely new publicly-accessible park to enhance the surrounding area.